About myself

I am trained as
amongst others:
a licensed naturopath, a biography worker, training in Destiny learning with Coen van Houten, in Personal Mastery with Roland van Vliet, Focusing trainer, MA in Political Science and English from Albert-Ludwig-University in Freiburg
I am
passionate about helping others in their personal and professional development
I have been
a weaver and spinner on the Scottish island of Jura
a research assistant (for the Society for Endangered Peoples)
a human rights researcher (publication: Forced prostitution and Traffic in women)
My mottoes
Live your dream
Trust yourself and take the plunge
If not now, then when?
I believe
that it is important for everyone to find what they are passionate about and what they want to dedicate their life to and that every person has a mission in life which he/she has to discover and follow wholeheartedly.
My mission
to help make the world a tiny bit more friendly, warm, and compassionate… by facilitating self-knowledge (biography work) and inner growth and change (Focusing). Also see: My vision
My speciality
to listen to people like Momo (as in Michael Ende’s novel Momo)
It's essential
to give others my full attention and appreciation and meet them on equal terms